Lazy Properties in Structs


  1. Dec 17, 2015
    Mentioned the proposal for property behaviors on the Swift evolution mailing list that would make most of this obsolete if adopted.
  2. Nov 12, 2017
    Updated the code for Swift 3/4.
  3. Nov 12, 2017
    Added the section "Using instance data inside the lazy computation"

Swift’s lazy keyword allows you to define a property whose initial value is computed when it is first accessed. As an example, imagine a struct to represent an image. The image’s metadata dictionary might be expensive to create, and we want to defer this cost until the data is needed. We can declare a lazy var like this:

struct Image {
    lazy var metadata: [String:Any] = {
        // Load image file and parse metadata
        // (expensive)
        return ...

Note that we have to use var in the property declaration. let constants must always have a value before instance initialization is complete, and this is not guaranteed for lazy variables.

Accessing the lazy property is a mutating operation because the property’s initial value is set on the first access. When a struct (which is a value type) contains a lazy property, any owner of the struct that accesses the lazy property must therefore declare the struct as a variable, too, because accessing the property means potentially mutating its container. So this is not allowed:

let image = Image()
// error: Cannot use mutating getter on immutable
// value: 'image' is a 'let' constant.

We could force users of our Image type to use var, but that could be inconvenient (for example, if it is used as a function parameter) or confusing (because getters are usually not mutating).

Box all the things

Another option is to wrap the lazy value in a class, similar to the often-used Box type. Because classes are reference types, a struct can contain a let constant to a class instance and still be immutable even if the referenced object itself is mutated.

Let’s first define an enum, called LazyValue, to represent a value of type T that can be computed lazily. It has two possible states: either the computation has yet to be performed, or the value has already been computed. In the former case, it stores the function that performs the computation. In the latter case, it stores the computed value:

private enum LazyValue<T> {
    case notYetComputed(() -> T)
    case computed(T)

Now we wrap this enum in a class, called LazyBox, so that we can mutate it independently of its container. The owner of the LazyBox instance can remain immutable. The implementation could look like this:

final class LazyBox<T> {
    init(computation: @escaping () -> T) {
        _value = .notYetComputed(computation)

    private var _value: LazyValue<T>

    var value: T {
        switch self._value {
        case .notYetComputed(let computation):
            let result = computation()
            self._value = .computed(result)
            return result
        case .computed(let result):
            return result

The class is initialized with the function it should use to compute the value. We store this function in a private LazyValue property until we need it. The public interface of the class is the read-only value property. In the getter we check if we have already computed the value, and return it if we have. If not, we evaluate the computation function and cache the value for subsequent reads.

We can use LazyBox like this, and verify that the computation function is indeed only evaluated once:

var counter = 0
let box = LazyBox<Int> {
    counter += 1;
    return counter * 10
assert(box.value == 10)
assert(box.value == 10)
assert(counter == 1)

This approach has the benefit that it can be used with constant structs. In other aspects it’s a little less convenient to use than a plain lazy variable would be because clients have to use the value property to access the value. If that’s not good enough, we could hide the implementation by exposing another computed property that returns LazyBox.value and making the LazyBox property private.

struct Image {
    // Lazy storage
    private let _metadata = LazyBox<[String:Any]> {
        // Load image file and parse metadata
        // (expensive)
        return ...
    var metadata: [String:Any] {
        return _metadata.value

let image = Image()
print(image.metadata) // no error

And the containing struct retains its value semantics. It’s a common pattern to use reference types internally inside a value type and implement it in a way that guarantees value semantics. The standard library uses it for many of the collection types.


There’s one final potential issue with this implementation, and that is concurrency. If LazyBox.value is accessed simultaneously from multiple threads before it has computed the value, it could evaluate the computation function multiple times. This is something you may want to avoid if the computation function has side effects or is expensive.

We can guarantee that the function is only evaluated once by routing all reads and writes of the internal _value property through a private serial queue. Here is the new implementation:

import Dispatch

final class LazyBox<T> {
    init(computation: @escaping () -> T) {
        _value = .notYetComputed(computation)

    private var _value: LazyValue<T>

    /// All reads and writes of `_value` must
    /// happen on this queue.
    private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "LazyBox._value")

    var value: T {
        var returnValue: T? = nil
        queue.sync {
            switch self._value {
            case .notYetComputed(let computation):
                let result = computation()
                self._value = .computed(result)
                returnValue = result
            case .computed(let result):
                returnValue = result
        assert(returnValue != nil)
        return returnValue!

The downside is a small performance hit on every access of value, and possible contention if many threads read the value simultaneously because they all have to go through the same serial queue. Given that very little work is performed on the queue after the cached value has been computed once, this latter aspect should be negligible in the vast majority of cases.

It’s worth noting that Swift doesn’t make this guarantee for the lazy keyword. Apple says this in the Swift book:

Note: If a property marked with the lazy modifier is accessed by multiple threads simultaneously and the property has not yet been initialized, there is no guarantee that the property will be initialized only once.

Using instance data inside the lazy computation

Update November 12, 2017: Added this section.

The common use case for our LazyBox type is as an immutable property on some type. This only works if the LazyBox value can be fully initialized when its parent type is initialized, as we showed above for the Image struct. Unfortunately, this is a pretty big limitation: it means that the lazy evaluation function can’t access other instance properties of the parent type, because we’re not allowed to access self until initialization is complete.

To make this work, we’d need to pass self as an argument into the evaluation function so that the function can use the value without capturing it. We can do this by adding another generic parameter to LazyValue and LazyBox that represents the input for the evaluation function.

Here’s the new LazyValue implementation:

private enum LazyValue<Input, Value> {
    case notYetComputed((Input) -> Value)
    case computed(Value)

LazyBox receives a similar change to its initializer to accomodate the new parameter. More importantly, notice that I changed the value property to a function named value(input:) that takes the input argument and passes it on to the evaluation function (if the value hasn’t been computed yet; if it has, the argument is ignored):

final class LazyBox<Input, Result> {
    init(computation: @escaping (Input) -> Result) {
        _value = .notYetComputed(computation)

    private var _value: LazyValue<Input, Result>

    /// All reads and writes of `_value` must
    /// happen on this queue.
    private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "LazyBox._value")

    func value(input: Input) -> Result {
        var returnValue: Result? = nil
        queue.sync {
            switch self._value {
            case .notYetComputed(let computation):
                let result = computation(input)
                self._value = .computed(result)
                returnValue = result
            case .computed(let result):
                returnValue = result
        assert(returnValue != nil)
        return returnValue!

The usage example would look like this now:

struct Image {
    // Lazy storage
    private let _metadata =
        LazyBox<Image, [String:Any]> { image in
        // Use image to access the instance's
        // state here
    var metadata: [String:Any] {
        return _metadata.value(input: self)

Property behaviors

Update a few minutes after posting: An hour before I published this, Joe Groff posted a far-reaching proposal for property behaviors to the Swift evolution mailing list that, if adopted, would make the things I discuss in this post (and a lot more) implementable in a much more natural way. I encourage you to take a look.