Here are some of the things from across the iOS blogosphere I found interesting this past month. I hope to return from my summer blogging hiatus soon.
- In my opinion, the hottest topic in August was the automation of distributing beta builds of iOS apps to beta testers. In the wake of the improvements Apple made to the process in iOS 4.0 and Jeffrey Sambells’s excellent June post on iOS Wireless App Distribution, several frameworks/apps popped up to automate this process:
- iOS Beta Builder by Hunter.
- Testflight by Neven Mrgan.
- Hockey by Buzzworks.
- Pierre Lebeaupin wrote A few things iOS developers ought to know about the ARM architecture already in July, but I only read it in August. Even if most developers do not have to interact directly with the CPU, it never hurts to know a little bit about what’s going on under the hood. Especially on less powerful devices like the iPhone.
- Vincent Gable shared a very useful macro to log the contents of variables regardless of their type. It can save you a lot of time during debugging. No wonder Vincent calls it “the most useful Objective-C code I’ve ever written”.
- Finger Tools, an interesting UI concept for the iPad that gets rid of the common toolbox/toolbar/palette in canvas-oriented apps. I am not convinced that this will actually work well in a real app but it is an innovative idea.
- Prototyping: You’re (Probably) Doing It Wrong by Noel Llopis. Focused on game development but useful for productivity apps, too.
- Jeff Kreeftmeijer asks, Why aren’t you using git-flow? git-flow is Vincent Driessen’s cool Git branching model cast in an easy-to-use Git extension.