Updated iTunes Connect Financial Reports to HTML Script

A user of my iTunes Connect Financial Reports to HTML script notified me that the script did not work on the file format that Apple used for their Financial Reports before February, 2009. The fix was relatively simple so the new version should support both formats. I used the occasion for a few more changes:

  • I renamed the script to itunesconnect2html.rb.
  • I moved the HTML template to a separate file (instead of inlining the HTML code in the script), which makes the HTML much easier to customize and the code a lot cleaner. Win-win! ERB connects the two.
  • Added a README.txt with some documentation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when calling the script from another folder.
  • Moved the whole thing to GitHub.

Please get the updated code from GitHub. I’d appreciate your feedback and/or bug reports.