Announcing Songtext: Lyrics for the iPhone

Yay! Songtext, my first iPhone app, got released last night. Songtext can download the lyrics for the songs you are listening to on your iPhone or iPod touch. It uses the huge database of LyricWiki, containing more than 700,000 songs. The price is $0.99. Check it out at if you are interested or go right to the App Store.

Update July 24, 2009: Songtext is no longer available.

Blogging about iPhone development

To celebrate the occasion, I am starting this blog about software development. I plan to write about the lessons I learned during the development of Songtext and other projects I am working on. I am going to concentrate on the iPhone SDK, Cocoa, and Objective-C at first but might include more topics in the future. I also plan to share my experiences as an individual developer for the iPhone platform, so expect posts about the App Store review process, the iPhone SDK community and my sales performance on the App Store.